- January 5 2022 -

Happy Wednesday!!

Introducing Weekly Wisdom, a weekly round-up of business, life, and everything in between!

Each week, I'll be sending you a tasty collection of goodies straight to your inbox! You'll find motivation, recipes, energy tips, recommendations, and so much more!

I look forward to writing, sharing, inspiring, and helping you elevate your business and life each week!

So let’s dive in!


“Does desire melt away with age? I’m waiting for that day to come.” – Betty White

Remember no matter what the year says on the calendar, you’re never too old to chase your dreams, your passions, or your desires. You only get to live this lifetime once, make Betty proud, and make it count!


The Queen of Pentacles is a generous woman who represents abundance and fertility. As a sensual woman, she is at home in her body, in tune with her intuition, and enjoys artistic expression. This card suggests that all the steps you have been taking to build a safe environment for yourself, have been in the right direction! Trust that things are working out even if it doesn't feel like it.


Easy On Me - Adele

I know that this song is about her divorce but the lyrics MOVE me.

“I was still a child. I didn’t get the chance to. Feel the world around me. I had no time to choose. What I chose to do. So go easy on me.

You may not know this (some of my family doesn't even know) but I moved out of my parents' house six days after I turned 18, when I was still a senior in high school due to a bunch of shitty family stuff and an irreconcilable situation with my parents! The truth is, I definitely grew up faster than my peers, and while I'm thankful for where I've ended up, this song hits me differently!

I’m sure you’ve heard it but if not you can check it out on iTunes or Spotify!


So many people reach out and ask what Michael and I are reading or what we recommend!

I’m committed to reading a book every week this year so to keep myself accountable and to share the knowledge, I’ll be sharing the book I’m reading here each week!

This week, I’m reading: Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help YouFind - and Keep - Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller


Layla Parr @cosmicmediallc - She doesn't know I’m doing this so Heyyy, friend!

Layla is a badass visual designer and creative genius who when not running her online empire and creating vibey and aesthetic posts, is kicking cancer’s ass! You can follow her on Instagram and make sure to check out her newest crowdfunding project for an app development agency for women! It’s an amazing project you can check out here!


I am absolutely obsessed with Notion: it’s an app that can basically be used for anything. You name it, Notion can do it!

Meal planning, habit tracking, goal setting, content planning, podcast production, and more!

If you decide to give it a try and need a template for something specific let me know and I’ll look inside my dashboard to see what I have!

I’m sure this week that you’ve seen tons of people talking about New Year’s resolutions. Even as the Queen of personal development I am super anti-resolutions. Most of the time, it’s like setting a goal and expecting yourself to fail.

Instead, I like to set a word or words for the year and I use them more as guidelines or intentions for the year. It’s something that’s really caught on with my community and within my friends groups. To be 100% with you - I’m still working on narrowing down my word for 2022 but I’m in no rush. I know that it will come to me when the time is right. Have you picked your work? Share it with me on Instagram, I’d love to know!

Here’s another thing that I’ve been loving and it’s SO simple - alkaline water with ginger + lemon. I “cheat” and use ginger paste and organic lemon juice but I mix it in a mason jar with ice and it’s not only refreshing but so good for you!

Alkaline water is great to detox, ginger for anti-inflammation, and lemon for digestion!

I also love using a Gua Sha each morning! It’s a great way to kick off my morning, it makes me feel super luxurious, my face is definitely glowing and less puffy, plus it’s time for me to be intentional about taking care of myself in an elevated way! If you’ve not tried it there’s tons of vids on Youtube and Tik Tok!


EFT is a powerful healing + energy tool that can be used to release limiting beliefs and rearrange your thinking to help you create more success in your life and business! I’m hosting a free 41 day challenge to help you create more abundance in 2022! You can join for free here!

I am so excited about this new weekly series! Want your product or service to be featured in a weekly round-up or nominate yourself or someone you know for Woman of the Week, hit reply and let me know! I would love to feature you!

If you've got questions or want to be featured, let's connect on Instagram!



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